Landholders urged to be on the lookout for Fire Ants
Lockyer Valley Regional Council is sending an urgent message to the region’s landholders – look out for and report fire ants.
Fire ants are a Category 1 restricted pest under the Biosecurity Act 2014 and, if left uncontrolled, can cost the Australian economy $2 billion per year.
Council’s Environment and Pest Management Portfolio Councillor, Cheryl Steinhardt said everyone has a part to play in looking for and reporting fire ants.
“The Lockyer Valley not only has a strong agricultural focus but is also home to a varied range of flora and fauna.
“Protecting ourselves against this invasive pest really is vital – not only for our environment and agriculture but our economy and health too.
“Early detection is essential to prevent the spread of fire ants, and we urge our landholders to report suspected sightings of fire ants on their property to Biosecurity Queensland within 24 hours or face possible penalties.
“Fire ants are very aggressive and are voracious feeders on small ground fauna, including insects, spiders, lizards, frogs, birds and mammals.
“This means that fire ants could potentially displace or eliminate some of Australia's unique native species.
“Fire ants also invade the food and water supplies of animals, meaning they are unable to reach the food or water without being seriously stung, and this can lead to starvation and dehydration.
“Fire ant mounds can destroy equipment such as irrigation systems, electrical lines and can also damage machinery during harvesting operations.
“Fire ants are copper brown with a darker abdomen, measuring around two to six mm in size.
“Fire ant nests are usually found in open areas such as lawns, garden beds, potted plants, near water sources, along roadsides and in newly developed areas.
“Everyone has a role to play here, so let’s work together and protect the region from this invasive pest,” Cr Steinhardt said.
To report fire ants, visit or contact 13 25 23.