Council delivers $50M roadworks program post weather events of 2022
Lockyer Valley Regional Council has officially delivered a $50M flood repair roadworks program following the weather events of 2022.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s infrastructure crews have worked tirelessly over the past two years to complete the extensive recovery program that was triggered by the major flood events of February and May 2022.
Council’s Infrastructure Portfolio Councillor Michael Hagan said a variety of works were completed across every maintenance zone throughout the region.
“By August 2022, Council had spent $7.6M on Emergency Works response for the two events, which focused on re-establishing access to all parts of the region.
“We also prioritised addressing the worst damaged infrastructure to make our road network as safe as possible throughout the temporary repair process,” Cr Hagan said.
Permanent repairs began with the Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets (REPA) program in August 2022, ending just last month.
Large projects have included:
- Major repairs to four landslip/erosion sites;
- Stabilisation of landslips on Berlin Road, Mountain View Drive and East Egypt Road;
- Reconstruction and protection of significantly scoured road and creek banks at Litfins Bridge, including the reconstruction of completely washed-out floodways and culverts;
- Upgrade of 800m of Brightview Road to a more flood-resilient pavement;
- Extension of 20 floodways to prevent scouring and damage to road approaches;
- Construction of a new drainage channel on Old – Laidley Forest Hill Road, to improve the flow of water and reduce the length of future road closure periods due to flooding; and
- Significant bridge protection works at Clarke’s Bridge, Thornton.
“In addition to that, crews have also completed road repairs and grading to some 400km of unsealed road, more than 35,000 m2 of sealed pavement reconstruction and repairs and some 2200 m3 of debris and silt clearing.
“This program of works was made possible under the Disaster Relief Funding Arrangements, jointly funded between the Commonwealth and State governments, and we extend our sincere thanks to all parties involved for their assistance in returning our road network to its pre-flood status.
“We also thank our community, for their continued understanding while this project came to fruition.
“We will always attend to major road safety and access issues in order of priority, and this inevitably takes time,” Cr Hagan said.
For more information, contact Council on 1300 005 872 or visit