Waste/ Recycling Drop Off Locations
Domestic and Commercial Recycling Collection
Council provides a fortnightly recycling service to all serviceable areas via a 240 litre yellow-lidded wheelie bin.
The cost of this service is charged via the property's rate notice.
For further information, please contact Council's Waste Department on 1300 005 872 or visit the recycling information page.
Donations for Tip Shop/ Trash and Treasure
The Tip Shop is situated beside the Gatton Landfill on Fords Road, Gatton.
Each Transfer Station in the Lockyer Valley also has a small Tip Shop on site.
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 8.00am to 4pm
Saturday: 9am to 4pm
Closed Sunday, Monday and Public Holidays.
Selling and receiving items now.
Mobile Phones
Want to get rid of your old mobile phone and accessories? Drop it into a MobileMuster collection point near you.
Collection Points:
- Gatton Transfer Station
- Laidley Transfer Station
- Grantham Transfer Station
- Withcott Transfer Station
See the Waste Disposal Facilities page for locations and operational hours.
Before dropping off your phone, make sure you:
- Delete all personal information, and
- Remove sim cards.
For more information or to find a drop off point near you, visit the MobileMuster website.
Printer Cartridge Recycling
Council provides two locations to drop off your used printer cartridges. Cartridges 4 Planet Ark collection boxes are located at both Council Administration Offices in Laidley and Gatton.
Printer cartridges are made up of a complex combination of plastics, metals, foam, ink and toner.
Throwing them into landfill represents a waste of resources and contributes to the growing problem of electronic waste. By recycling your cartridges, you are helping to reduce this waste.
For more information on this program, visit the Cartridges 4 Planet Ark website.
This program is for the collection of empty, clean farm containers that carry the drumMUSTER sticker.
Only containers with the drumMuster sticker are able to be recycled through this program. No fees are charged as the cost is included in the original purchase of these containers.
Click here to see how the drumMUSTER program works.
Collection Points:
- Grantham Transfer Station
- Lockyer Waters Transfer Station
- Laidley Transfer Station
- Gatton Transfer Station
See the Waste Disposal Facilities page for locations and operational hours.
For further information about the program, visit the DrumMuster website.
ChemClear provides a reliable and responsible collection and disposal service for obsolete agricultural and veterinary chemicals to:
- Primary producers
- Agricultural and veterinary businesses
- The ag retail industry
- Pest control managers
- Forestry
- Local and State Government agencies
- Golf courses
- Any other users of agricultural and veterinary chemicals
Click here to see how the ChemClear program works.
To find out when the next scheduled collection is taking place and to make a booking to have your unused chemicals collected, contact 1800 008 182 or visit the ChemClear website for more information.
Gas Cylinders
Including medical, refrigerant and industrial hired cylinders.
SWAP’n’Go - Find your nearest SWAP’n’GO gas bottle exchange at SWAP'n'GO Near me Locator App - FREE
Domestic LPG gas cylinders up to 9kg not part of the SWAP'n'Go Scheme can be taken to Council transfer stations for recycling.
All medical, refrigerant and industrial hired cylinder must be returned for refund at local suppliers near you.
Tyres from cars and bikes should never be put in your household recycling bin. They can be recycled, but only when dropped off at designated collection points or through an accredited Tyre Stewardship Australia mechanic, retailer, or dealership when you’re having your old tyres replaced with new ones.
Tyres can be disposed of at Council's Gatton Transfer Station for a fee.

Lockyer Valley Regional Council has partnered with Ability Enterprises which is a not-for-profit, social enterprise providing meaningful employment opportunities to marginalised individuals living in regional Queensland.
Every mattress that is brought to the Laidley Transfer Station will be manually deconstructed to remove recoverable items such as metal and foam.
Since 2012, Ability Enterprises has worked alongside more than 320 people facing barriers to employment.
Residents are urged to bring their mattresses to the Laidley Transfer Station so we can reduce the amount of mattresses being sent to landfill. Normal fees and charges apply for mattress disposal as a third-party organisation is paid to provide the deconstruction service.
- Why should I recycle my mattress?
Even though most components of a mattress can be recycled, they are one of the most common items sent to landfill. Each year in Australia around 1.6 to 1.8 million mattresses are disposed of, each taking up around 0.75 cubic meters of landfill space. The Gatton landfill is reaching capacity, so by recycling old mattresses, these large waste items can be diverted from landfill and their components, such as foam and springs, can be recycled into a number of new products.
- How should I stack my mattress at the Laidley Transfer Station?
The shed at Laidley will store mattress each week for Ability Enterprises staff. Council asks that residents stack mattresses in an upright manner to assist with the manual handling of mattresses for deconstruction.
- Can I take my mattress any where else to dispose of?
Council is also able to accept mattresses at the Gatton Transfer station where they are placed in a bin and transported to Laidley for processing.
Household Batteries
Did you know that batteries such as AAA, AA, button cells and similar are not able to be disposed of in your general waste bin? Household batteries contain many toxic chemicals which are an environmental hazard and are one of the contributors to fires in waste collection vehicles and at the landfill, causing risk to both operators and infrastructure.
Batteries require the terminals to be taped with sticky tape (to prevent sparking) and can be disposed of at B-cycle battery disposal points located at Coles, Woolworths, Aldi, Mitre10, Bunnings, Withcott Foodworks, Gatton Return-It stores within the region. For further information on what batteries can be recycled please visit bcycle.com.au.
Disposable Vapes / E-Cigarettes
Vapes / E-cigarettes , similarly to household batteries cannot be disposed of through household waste collection services due to containing toxic chemicals which are an environmental hazard and are one of the contributors to fires in waste collection vehicles and at the landfill, causing risk to both operators and infrastructure.
Council now has disposal units available at Gatton, Laidley, Lockyer Waters and Withcott Transfer Stations. Please proceed to the weighbridge / site hut to deposit used vapes.