We are proud of the recycling efforts by Lockyer Valley residents. But there is still room for improvement. It's time to have a closer look at how we can work together to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

Recycling Bin (Yellow Lid)
Lockyer Valley Regional Council provides a dual bin waste and recycling service to your household.
This service is mandatory to all habitable residences deemed to be within a serviceable area. Find out what day your recycling bin is collected by using the What Bin Day App or simply enter your address into Council's Online Waste Map!
Recycling bin FAQ
What can I put in my recycling (yellow) bin?
Knowing what items can go in your yellow lid bin will help make sure we’re recycling as much as we can and recycling correctly. Following the Do's and Don’ts below ensures a more sustainable future for us all by avoiding waste and maximising opportunities to reuse and recycle.
Items that can be placed in your yellow lid bin include:
- paper, magazines, newspaper, junk mail, paper gift wrap (not foil looking wrap)
- shredded paper - place it in a paper bag or a cereal box, don't put it in a plastic bag
- cardboard, paper, egg cartons, greetings card, clean pizza boxes (not disposable/single-use coffee cups)
- glass bottles and jars (clear, green or brown glass only)
- steel cans, empty aerosols cans
- aluminium cans
- aluminium foil and foil trays - roll into a ball about the size of a tennis ball
- clean plastic bottles and containers from your household only. No containers from the shed that have held petrol, chemicals or oil. You can take these to your nearest waste facility
- cartons - such as tetra packs and milk/cream and juice cartons
- remove metal lids from glass bottles and jars. Place them in a container of the same material (steel into a can or aluminium into a drink can) or throw them into the general waste bin.
Alternatively, use the guide on the lid of your yellow recycle bin or visit Recycle Mate for reference.

What can't go in the recycling bin?
The below is a list of some of the things that we find in recycle bins and shouldn't.
- soft plastics such as plastic bags, bin liners, plastic wrap and bubble wrap
- food, kitchen scraps
- lawn clippings, tree cuttings
- empty containers from your shed or garage that have held chemicals or petrol
- brooms, mops
- plastic furniture or hoses
- crockery or china, pyrex and ovenproof dishes
- blue and white glass
- drinking glasses and ceramic mugs
- disposable/single-use coffee cups - put the cup in your general waste bin and the plastic lid in your recycle bin
- mirrors, fish tanks, safety glass
- light bulbs, fluorescent lamps
- window or automotive glass
- nappies - disposable and cloth
- moist towels, tissues, serviettes, toilet paper or paper towels
- foil gift wrapping or ribbon
- polystyrene foam and packing (including food packaging trays similar to trays meat is sold in at the supermarket - even if it has a #6 on it)
- clothes or fabric (contact your local charity organisation)
- syringes, sharps containers or medical waste
- batteries - all types
- E-Waste (computers, printers, TVs, microwaves etc.)
- building/renovation waste - e.g. PVC pipe, fixtures, fittings, plasterboard
- bricks, concrete, masonry, tiles, rocks etc.
The above list are all contaminants to the recycling process. If you put these in your bin, your bin may not be emptied. You will need to remove these contaminants before your bin can be emptied, and may be charged a fee to collect your bin.
Many of these items can be disposed of at your nearest waste facility.
Where are the Containers for Change drop off points located?
- Gatton Tip Shop
64 Fords Road, Gatton
Type: Bag dropOpening Days and Hours of Operation Monday 8am to 5pm Tuesday 8am to 5pm Wednesday 8am to 5pm Thursday 8am to 5pm Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 5pm Sunday 9am to 5pm PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 9am to 5pm Good Friday and Christmas Day CLOSED - Laidley Transfer Station
Burgess Road, Laidley Heights
Type: Bag dropOpening Days and Hours of Operation Monday 9am to 5pm Tuesday 9am to 5pm Wednesday 9am to 5pm Thursday 9am to 5pm Friday 9am to 5pm Saturday 9am to 5pm Sunday 9am to 5pm PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 9am to 5pm Good Friday and Christmas Day CLOSED - Return It
8 Industrial Road, Gatton
Type: Depot, Bag drop